Be a part of bringing the Motor Mill story to life!
Volunteers for the Motor Mill Foundation support restoration and education that tell the story of the dream of John Thompson and James Crosby. This is a story of agriculture, milling, transportation, and communities of the 19th century in rural Iowa. You can be a part of the story!
The dedicated volunteers at the Motor Mill Historic Site have turned a dream to make the site a beloved tourist destination into a reality through their blood sweat and tears. It has been a long hard battle and there still is a lot of work to do. The Motor Mill foundation is always looking for volunteers. They would love to have you join one of their crews.
There are a wide variety of ways to volunteer. Some of the volunteer committees for 2023 are:
Tuesday Work Crew
Most Tuesday mornings during the warm season you can find the crew down at the mill working on the project of the day.
Volunteer Tour Guides
Help out giving tours or greeting visitors at the desk during open weekends and special events.
Special Committees
This season we have a Event Committee planning events for the season, an Inn Furnishings Committee working on interior decorating plans for inside the Inn to get ready for the opening, and an Interpretive Plan committee working hard on displays and educational materials. Other ways people help out include research, genealogy, documentation, photography, and display models.