Inn Revival

Restoring the Historic Inn

The dream of restoring the historic Inn at Motor has long been a goal for the future of the site.  Planning for the Inn Revival began in earnest back in 2019 when the Motor Mill Foundation Visioning Committee identified possible uses for the historic property, including the potential to allow overnight guests in the Inn as it was originally intended. This dream has finally been realized by completing the project early July 2023.

Funding the Project

One of the biggest challenges to get this big project underway was finding funding sources. In 2021, Clayton County was awarded an Iowa’s Rural Heritage Revitalization Grant from the Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs for restoration of the Inn at Motor Mill. This first money of $125,000 was critical in leveraging the remaining dollars needed through private donations and grants. The Conservation Board hosted an online capital campaign to raise additional private dollars and in the fall of 2021, an Upper Mississippi Gaming Corporation Grant awarded the project $125,000. In January of 2023 the Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs awarded the Inn project another $325,000 through the Iowa Great Places Grant. completing the final funds needed to restore the Inn.

Restoration Challenges

The challenges faced at Motor by the founders of the grist mill site still remain 150 years later.  Planning for the future floods that are just a matter of time was one of the many challenges to consider. The limestone bluffs and topography, while stunning, provided challenges too. Boring through the bedrock to connect to the existing well, improving the plumbing, installing Wi-Fi to improve the safety and isolation of the site, and creating handicap accessibility all were impacted by the geology of the site. Another big challenge of the Inn is preservation of the historical elements and following the historical preservation guidelines required by the National Register of Historic Places. Many contractors are not comfortable with restoration practices like restoring plaster and prefer modern construction methods like sheetrock and mudding.

Rent the Inn

The Inn now has a welcome center on the bottom floor, and overnight accommodations of the upper two floors. Reservations are for the entire two floors as a single reservation and cannot be rented out in smaller units. Sleeps up to 12 guests.

Inn Amenities

  • Wi-Fi
  • Kitchen
  • Dining/Meeting Area
  • Living Room
  • 1 1/2 Bathrooms
  • 3 Bedrooms: 1 main floor bedroom (handicap accessible), 2 bedrooms on 3rd floor.

Click Here for Reservations