Motor Mill Roof Repair Gets Big Boost

Gifford help Motor Mill Roof
Tom Gifford and Florence Gifford

The Gifford family of Elkader has helped launch a major fund drive to repair the roof at Motor Mill.

When former Motor Mill Foundation member Brian Gifford died in February, his wife, Florence, along with their sons Tom, Marshall, and Andy, donated $500 as a memorial in Brian’s name. In addition to serving on the Foundation board, Brian had been an avid canoeist, trails advocate, and long time supporter of Motor Mill preservation. The Giffords’ contribution was earmarked for repair of the roof on the Mill.
Tom, who now heads the family insurance agency founded by his late grandfather, Glenn, succeeded his father on the Motor Mill Foundation. Gifford Insurance recently contributed another $1,000 to the roof repair fund.
That gift – plus other significant donations – will be needed to match a $55,400 grant the Foundation has received from the State Historical Society of Iowa to repair the roofs on the Mill and the Inn. The project also includes the replacement of two brick chimneys on the Mill. The Foundation must raise the matching money and complete the jobs by the end of this year. Plans are for the Mill roof to be covered with a metal material that will simulate the look of the original cedar shakes on the building, but will last much longer.
The Foundation has suggested that donors consider giving $200, which is the approximate cost of one square of roofing. Several other donors already have made that commitment. All donors at the $200 level or above will be recognized on a plaque to be posted at the Mill.
For information, call the Clayton County Conservation Board, at 563.245.1517, or Foundation secretary Larry Stone at 563.419.6742.

Brian & Nancy Gifford, 1961

Brian Gifford and his sister, Nancy, canoeing on the Turkey River near Motor Mill in 1961. Brian was an avid canoeist and former member of the Motor Mill Foundation.
Tom & Florence Gifford, Motor
The Gifford family of Elkader has kicked off a roof repair fund drive for Motor Mill. Florence Gifford and her 3 sons donated $500 in memory of Brian Gifford after he died in February. Tom Gifford, who now heads the family insurance agency, recently donated $1,000.

The Gifford family of Elkader has kicked off a roof repair fund drive for Motor Mill. Florence Gifford and her 3 sons donated $500 in memory of Brian Gifford after he died in February. Tom Gifford, who now heads the family insurance agency, recently donated $1,000.
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