Motor Mill Inn & Bridge Lighting
4:00 P.M. – 6:00 P.M.
Saturday November 23rd, 2024
Celebrate the start of this holiday season at the Motor Mill Historic Site! In addition to the traditional lighting of the Motor Mill Bridge, the Inn will also feature Christmas decor this year.
As you step into the Inn you will get to experience Christmas from two different time periods. The Pioneer Parlor will take you back to the early days of the Inn with an 1870s view and taste of Christmas celebration. Wander from the parlor into the original kitchen of the Inn for a mid-20th century dining room experience with treats you may remember from celebrations with grand and great grandparents.
So, head over the river and through the woods to Motor Mill for an evening of beautiful lights, holiday treats, and memories of Christmas past.
UPDATE— Weary Ramblers will be performing from 4:30-6:00! So stay and listen to their great music while enjoying cookies and cocoa. Turkey River Cabin Concerts have sponsored this band.