Motor Mill Bridge & Building Restoration Project

Motor Mill Bridge ProjectDuring the flood event of 2008, the north span of the Motor Mill Bridge was destroyed. As a result, FEMA allowed funding to replace the north span of the bridge to the pre-disaster state of the bridge.

The work includes tuck pointing the north, center and south stone abutments and the north bridge span. Funding was included to raise the bridge by four feet, placing it above the high water mark.

The Conservation Board and the Motor Mill Foundation have started the process to raise additional funding to complete the south span and make the bridge open to cars, pickups and pedestrian traffic.

The preliminary design has been completed and is in the process of review. The current design is a pin connected Pratt through truss bridge using modern materials.

Estimated completion is summer 2012.

Fund Raising Campaign

The Motor Mill Foundation and the Clayton County Conservation Board have been working
together since 2002 and have opened the mill for educational tours during the summer. The
partnership has raised funds to complete the projects listed in this brochure.

In 2010, the partnership expanded to include the Turkey River Recreational Corridor, FEMA, Northeast Iowa RC&D, Iowa Great Places and the Iowa DOT to achieve the outlined projects.

Over $1 million of the estimated $1.5 million estimated budget has been secured or is pending for secured. $577,000 is needed in matching funds to complete these projects. Your help is vital. Please consider a gift.

Motor Mill Bridge ProjectDonations can be sent to:

Motor Mill Foundation
29862 Osborne Rd
Elkader IA 52043


Clayton County Conservation
29862 Osborne Rd
Elkader IA 52043

Donations to the Motor Mill Foundation, a 501c3 organization, or the Clayton County Conservation Board are 100% tax deductible.

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